Our Approach

In a college admissions landscape dominated by annual lists of "highly rejective" institutions, we advocate for a far-reaching perspective. While these schools certainly have their merits and should be evaluated, they may not always be the optimal fit for every student. And, in some instances, competitive high schools funnel too many applicants to these “top colleges” for the few acceptance slots they are allotted leading scores of qualified students to disappointment. Rather than fixate on the handful of schools dominating popular perceptions, Your Right College Fit expands the college search to unveil overlooked gems that align with each student's unique aspirations and strengths. We prioritize finding institutions where students not only get in, but also fit in. The goal is for them to thrive, not just survive.

Personalized Guidance

Every student is unique, and our consultancy is tailored to reflect this. Focusing on a limited number of students allows us to optimize our one-on-one service shepherding each through their own self assessment, college research and application process. We work with Freshmen and Sophomores on an hourly basis structured around the consulting services that fill the student’s and family’s needs. For Juniors and Seniors we offer tailored packages of 10, 20 and 35 consulting hours incorporating an array of services.

Freshman and Sophomore Years

The early years of high school are when students gain their footing, establish academic goals and engage in multiple activities to find their niche. At this stage YRCF provides insights and advice on how to build a foundation for success. YRCF consulting offerings include:

  • Counseling on appropriate high school course selection

  • Advising on optimal extracurricular engagement and meaningful volunteer activities

  • Referring to SAT/ACT instructional programs and tutors

  • Evaluating summer options from employment to volunteering to summer academics, etc.

  • Creating a college search planning timetable

  • Coaching on college visits to schools near home and vacation destinations

  • Discussing financial aid options and the family college budget

Junior and Senior Years

Junior Year (Ideally begins second semester)

At this time, students are in a process of self discovery to understand their motivations, aspirations, preferences, aversions and more. YRCF guides students to use these factors to develop an articulated framework for what they seek in a college. With clients we:

  • Hold conversations with parents and the student on college goals, fears, finances and more

  • Reflect on personal values, ideal college qualities and educational goals to hone in on colleges that match

  • Formulate post-secondary school academic and career aspirations

  • Teach how to use public and YRCF proprietary research tools to create a balanced, “right fit” college list

  • Instruct on how to optimize college and university visit experiences

  • Discuss using “demonstrated interest” to effectively show colleges they are schools you would like to attend

Senior Year (Work begins summer prior)

This is the big push year, but we use software programs, organizational tools and strategic timetables to portion out manageable amounts of work. Our objective is to pare down the intimidation factor, reduce family tensions and offer an informed perspective to make this process an achievable milestone. YRCF will:

  • Evaluate early decision/early action application opportunities

  • Finalize a balanced list of low, medium and high chance of admission schools where the student will find the right fit

  • Partner in creating a polished resume and activities list

  • Assist with personal essay and supplemental essay brainstorming

  • Review completed personal and supplemental essays

  • Suggest dedicated essay tutors for comprehensive essay coaching

  • Provide access to a YRCF private portal for personalized resources, tools and oversight to research colleges and complete applications

  • Discuss financial aid options (FAFSA and CSS Profile), processes and scholarships

  • Advise on waitlists and letters of continued interest

  • Guide through college acceptances and financial aid offer evaluations

  • Offer tips on how students (and parents) can successfully transition to college

Let's talk about how Your Right College Fit can help tame the college search and application frenzy while finding school options that mirror your student’s academic, social and financial objectives.

Together, we'll embark on a journey to find the college that's not just a dream school, but the right fit for your student’s future success.